What We Do

Our Program
Excellerate uses the power of connections to educate and empower young people to be successful throughout their lives.

Excellerate’s number one goal is helping these young individuals create positive and powerful connections.  Through these connections students start to understand how to create healthy relationships, they learn the importance of caring for others by the examples set forth by the mentors they meet.  Establishing a connection with someone is something many in this program may have never had the opportunity to do and that is why we believe success starts with the connections that are made this program.

You can watch a description of how our program works here.

Life Skills

The value of the instruction that comes from resident parenting, in a forever home, is an important aspect of moving into adulthood. Many of the daily teachings and input most youth receive are sadly missing in these young adults.  Most state agencies recommend 9-10 hours of life skills training for the enrichment of our teens. Our program provides hours of life skills development including time management, study skills, organizational leadership, how to be a good follower, problem solving, and more.  The connections each student gains within this program also offer real-life examples of life skills in action every time they are together.


The confidence that a person has is essential to their success in this world.  Excellerate strives to help shape the young adults in our program by connecting them with strong leaders in the community.  The mentors will help these individuals see themselves differently, helping to find their passions and also guide them through the process of excelling in the world.  The Excellerate classroom setting will also focus on teaching skills to the students, such as interviewing, resume building, and understanding the professional workplace world.

Financial Responsibility

In this time in our society, earning a livable wage is not enough. Our students have to be a good stewards of what they earn. Excellerate utilizes Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. We want to prepare students for the financial world and possible difficulties. Financial Peace University teaches the importance of budgeting, getting out of debt, building credit, etc. The ability to thrive in the financial market instead of just staying afloat is often the difference between some success and total victory.

Healthy Connections

Building healthy strong relationships is a crucial part of life and can sometimes be a challenge. It is important for any young adult to be able to be part of healthy connections, and also understand how they are formed.  Learning how positive individual growth, self-awareness, and self-improvement are some of the key aspects of creating healthy connections.  What these young adults learn in this program and receive from their mentors will key to helping them succeed in creating future relationships in their lives.  

Spiritual Growth

We believe part of each student's life journey should include spiritual enrichment. Therefore, we endeavor to provide weekly opportunities for students to learn what it means to be a part of a faith community in a culturally relevant and inclusive manner. Excellerate will serve and partner with many denominations or fellowships for the betterment of both program and pupil.